Fixed Services in Ceredigion
In 2023 we will be developing services further in Ceredigion to include a new men's wellbeing hub in Aberystwyth and satelite hub in Aberaeron

Mwldan Timber Yard, Queens Terrace,
Cardigan SA43 1LJ
Open every Tuesday and Thursday (other days by arrangement) 10 to 4pm
CardiShed moved to substantial new premises in October 2022, offering all kinds of indoors, music and outdoors woodworking opportunities. It attracts over 35 men every week.
It meets very week on Tuesdays and Thursdays for men between 10 and 4pm. Once a month for women, last Wednesday of the month.
f.f.i. contact Matt Hatter 07910517514
Click here for CardiShed Page

Aberystwyth HaHav
Plas Antaron, Antaron Avenue, Aberystwyth SY23 1SF
Open every Monday (other days by arrangement) 11 to 3pm
From a Pilot scheme in December 2022, men2men are developing the Monday men's activity group at HaHavs base in Aberysthwyth.
It meets very monday between 11 and 3pm at Plas Antaron. We vary the activity each week and include a men's sharing circle over a cooked lunch.
f.f.i. phone Fred Luckman on 07577117967

Ceredigion Walk and Talk
Hafod Estate Devils Bridge
Sunday 24th September 2023
Each month we will organise a men's walk and talk in a beautiful part of our area.
This is one of our most popular activities and includes a shared lunch and men's sharing circle.
f.f.i. phon Fred Luckman 07577117967